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measurement report中文是什么意思

用"measurement report"造句"measurement report"怎么读"measurement report" in a sentence


  • 测量报告


  • A measurement reported in terms of count rate is peculiar .
  • Ultrasound bone measurement report interpretation
  • Preparing alarm / fault statistics and measurement reports
  • Measurement of airborne noise emitted by machines ; enveloping surface method ; form for measurement report , comminuting machines
  • D . measurement of effectiveness unlike traditional media , the web will provide the measurement report of the ad program
    4 .提供精确的广告反馈报告而通过传统的媒体你是无法了解广告的效果的
  • Data and graphs are easily exported as ascii data for in - depth evaluation and manipulation using a spreadsheet software or for measurement reporting and publication
  • The article explores six dimensions of quantitative research : its possibility and feasibility , its substances and functions , its subjective and objective characters , its contents and forms , the superficiality of the behaviors in the process of the measurement and the concealment of the thought and motivation , the abstractness of the scores in the measurement reports and the concreteness of the characteristic reflections
  • The fourth makes research and analysis of the measurement , analyzing the measurement initiation , the measurement response , the measurement report , themeasurement failure , the measurement termination procedure , focusing on telling the report characteristics . the fifth is project part , telling the measurement implementation project and testing project , introducing the realizing idea and hardware structure , soft ware structure of the base station , offering the detailed project in the end . the sixth is the summary of the paper
用"measurement report"造句  
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